Your Pawesome passport

Our solution to elevate the recognition of animal welfare in society!

The first self-sovereign identity for pets, powered by Decentralized Identifiers (DiD).

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Traditional ID's problems



The ‘wrong pet', “80% of sponsored search links for pet sales may be fraudulent, advertising animals the supposed sellers don’t own“. Puppy scams inside Pet Fairs, fake breed papers by fake breeders

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No access to pet ID or medical records during outdoor activities

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If you lost or forget your pet's ID, you can't travel with your pet

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Our Solution


What is DiD?

DiD is like a digital ID card that isn't controlled by any single company or government. It lets you prove who you are online without needing a central authority to verify it.

What is Self Sovereign Identity?

SSI is a way to manage your digital identity where you, and only you, have full control over your personal information. It allows you to share only the necessary details with others, enhancing privacy and security.


Only professionals create the Pet DID


Scalable, stable, low fees, fast, sustainable


Self-sovereign, secure, private, verifiable


The more pets are registered, the less they will be abandoned.

“When the world begins to accept that animals should have digital identities like humans, animal’s social status will increase, which will improve the well-being of humans, animals and our environment.”

Alex Preukschat & Drummond Reed

Self-Sovereign Identity: Decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials

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